Copycat: Johanna's wasabi and caviar potatoes

Last June, i.e. almost a year ago, I attended a blog birthday bash in London thrown by Johanna and Jeanne . We were treated to a line-up of wonderful fingerfood, and one of these was mini-potatoes topped with caviar & wasabi-cream . Johanna used small new season's potatoes, but as I'm now living much further up North, we cannot buy any new potatoes just yet. So instead I used something sold as 'Parisian potatoes' here - small, perfect potato balls. We had some of our respective families over for a light late brunch on Saturday afternoon, and these were on offer. Went down a treat, may I say. Johanna's wasabi and caviar potatoes (well, almost) ( Kartuliampsud wasabi ja kalamarjaga ) small potatoes thick sour cream wasabi paste caviar or fish roe* frehs chives, chopped Boil the potatoes until almost tender, drain thoroughly and cool. Mix sour cream and wasabi paste (about 0.5 tsp of wasabi to 2 Tbsp sour cream). When potatoes are cooled, cut of a thin slice from...