Waiter, there is something in my ... sea-buckthorn and apple tart

Ooops. Not only was I late with this month's Daring Bakers submission , I am also late with my WTISIM entry. Jeanne has - naughtily - chosen Topless Tarts as the theme. I made something similar to my toffee apple tart with cranberries from January. Remember the sea-buckthorn sorbet and sea-buckthorn jelly ? Well, we have got lots of frozen sea-buckthorn berries in the freezer (courtesy of my grandma), so I decided to try the same toffee apple tart recipe, but replacing cranberries with sea-buckthorn berries. Furthermore, I was keen to try out the dried sea-buckthorn powder* I bought recently.. The resulting tart was scrumptious - sweet toffee apples with tart sea-buckthorn berries nicely complementing each other, plus the berries giving some extra colour to the cake. Try it! Sea-buckthorn and Apple Tart (topless, of course) ( Õunapirukas astelpajumarjade ja astelpajujahuga ) Serves 8 Crust: 100 g butter 150 g plain/all-purpose flour 1 Tbsp sugar 2 Tbsp cold water Filling: 4-5 ...