Just for once: Weekend Chicken Blogging

Click on the photo to view the slideshow!

There's Weekend Herb Blogging, Weekend Cat Blogging and even Weekend Dog Blogging, so why not Weekend Chicken Blogging? Oh well, I gather that most foodbloggers don't keep chicken as pets, and neither do we. But we did go to K's country house again (the one in Lalli), where a neighbour has a huge flock of chicken. It's not a farm as such, as they don't keep chicken for commercial purpose, but we do get our eggs from them whenever we're visiting. The eggs are smaller than the ones available in shops, but they've got the deepest yellow yolks (just check out the colour of the frittata here), and taste wonderful.

Last Saturday, we paid a visit to the chicken as well. There were loads of them - the farmer was unable to tell us the exact number:) Also, they're various local old breeds, so almost each one is different and unique. And they're all happy and very much free-range - free to roam the grounds as they please. With the help of some bribing in the form of white bread, the chicken were happy to be photographed - just check out the slideshow, either by clicking on the photo above or here. You can also view the Flickr photo set here.

PS Eksootilistest kanatõugudest võite lugeda siit, maatõugu kanadest siit.

A year ago I was attending my friend Annika's wedding to her fiance Ben in Stockholm - you can read about the delicious Swedish wedding lunch here. Two years ago I wrote about my first ever foodblogging event - Paper Chef # 8 - where one had to combine spinach, olives, Cheddar cheese and either potatoes or cream in a recipe. I came up with these Potato Canapes with Cheddar cheese and Spinach & Olive Stuffing, which won a Golden Tomatilla from host Sarah for the Best Performance by Potatoes in a Supporting Role.


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