WTISIM: Pumpkin and Ginger Teabread

It's been a while since I took part at the Waiter there is something in my ... blog event, organised by Andrew , Johanna and Jeanne . This month's event is hosted by Jeanne, who has chosen the Cucurbitacae family as a theme, or if you want a more poetic title, For the Love of Gourd . I've been featuring quite a few pumpkin recipes recently on my blog - pumpkin and flowering quince jam , pumpkin and ginger jam , pumpkin and nutmeg soup , to name just the last three. But I wanted something more mainstream this time, so I baked a pumpkin and ginger loaf, or a teabread. This pumpkin loaf is somewhat different, as it uses grated raw pumpkin instead of cooked pumpkin purée. It's a slightly modifying recipe from BBC Good Food (November 2002). When I baked it few weeks ago, I had run out of those delicious Buderim ginger nibbles that you can buy at Lakeland stores in the UK. If I had had them at the time, I would have certainly thrown in a generous handful of them, for sure....