sick day soup.


I felt it coming from a mile off. Yesterday, I popped Tylenol in regular 4-hour intervals (as recommended by the packaging) to soften the scratch of my sore throat. As I crawled into bed with my toddler last night at 9 p.m., I felt the wave of fatigue coming on, and then this morning when I woke up- yes. Sick. Blaaaaugh!

No big deal though, it's just a cold. In fact, I feel weird admitting it, but I'm kind of enjoying it. I'm enjoying moping around my house in a frumpy sweater, I'm enjoying the cool air from the rainy day outside. I'm enjoying the muffled feeling of crappiness as my head attempts to expel the germs in unattractive ways. It's October! It feels kind of right, oddly enough.

So, I did what any nutcase would do. This morning I ran over to the grocery store, replenished my crisper drawer and whipped up a quick batch of vegetable stock. 3 hours later, I strained and jarred it, reserving about a cup and a half for my soup. I realized part way through the endeavor that what I was doing was ridiculous, but I went ahead and did it anyway. Then, using the small amount of stock I reserved, I tossed together a mini-serving of vegetable soup.

1 1/2 cups of stock (do yourself a favor and just buy an effin' carton. Yeesh.)
1 carrot
1 stalk of celery
a handful of mushrooms
a handful of egg noodles

Heat the stock in a small pan and cook the noodles until they are tender. In a separate pan, saute chopped celery, carrots, and mushrooms until soft. Dump veggies into the stock and season with salt, pepper, parsley, and oregano, to taste. Wrap yourself in an old blanket and slurp your soup while watching ridiculous movies. (My favorite: Legally Blonde. Seriously.)

Here's hoping all the liquids I've been forcing through my system will work their magic! Happy Fall, everyone.


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