martha stewart hard boiled eggs.


I feel like most of my posts start the same way- blah blah blah, when I was a kid, I was a picky eater, now I'm not, blah blah blah. I can't remember the first time I tried a hard boiled egg, (it wasn't that long ago) but I love them now. I often forget they exist- and when I remember, I'm like- HEY! You can do that? Let's do it right now! I'm not the type to keep hard boiled eggs around, usually I just make them when the mood strikes and eat them right away. That's what I did today. I crumbled some on a salad, and the sliced one and ate it with a pinch of sea salt.


If you google "perfect hard boiled egg" you'll find that everyone is an expert when it comes to boiling eggs. I've read a lot of recipes that say to boil for 10 full minutes, but that sounds crazy to me! Considering how easy it is to overcook scrambled eggs or fried eggs, I can't imagine applying that much consistent heat. I'm in the Martha Stewart, "bring it to a boil & let it sit" camp. Cover eggs with cold water, bring to a rolling boil, then cover and remove from heat. Let them sit for 12 minutes and then rinse with cool water to halt the cooking process. I don't know what makes a perfect hard boiled egg, because I'm lazy and this is the only way I've ever tried to do it, but they're never overcooked and that's all that matters to me. Nobody likes a gross green yolk.


The only thing I hate is peeling the damn things, I suck at it. Oh well.


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