Cream Cheese Spread with Beetroot and Horseradish

I should start a regular feature here on Nami-Nami, called the "Beetroot Recipe of the Month" or "This Week's Way with Beets" - as we do eat beetroot pretty much each week. It's cheap, seasonal and actually much more versatile than one might think. This recipe is inspired by a cream cheese spread served in a lovely deli-café in Tallinn, called NOP. I've used it as a sandwich filling here, but it would also work as a dip for crudités or as a topping for a jacket potato.

Cream Cheese Spread with Beet and Horseradish
(Rukkileib peedi-mädarõika kreemiga)
Serves 4

75 g cooked or roasted beetroot
150 g cream cheese, at room temperature
1 heaped tsp creamed horseradish
1 Tbsp finely chopped fresh dill
freshly ground black pepper

dark rye bread, to serve

Grate the beetroot finely. Add the cream cheese, horseradish and chopped dill and mix until thoroughly combined. Season with salt and pepper.
To serve with rye bread, spread about a tablespoon of the mixture on a slice of bread, then top with another bread slice and cut diagonally into two triangles.

January 2010:
Dashing Coconut and Beetroot Soup
May 2009:
Beetroot Salad with Cottage Cheese and Leeks
November 2008:
Oven-baked Salmon with Beetroot
September 2008:
Roasted Beets with Caraway Seeds
August 2008:
Beetroot and Potato Salad
March 2008:
Marbled Beetroot Eggs
March 2008:
Bruschetta with Cheese, Garlic and Beets
February 2008:
Beetroot Hummus
January 2008:
Creamy Beetroot Soup with Horseradish
December 2007:
Russian Vinaigrette Salad
November 2007:
Beetroot Soup with Goat's Cheese
September 2007:
Delicious Vegetarian Borscht Recipe
(to be continued...)


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