Nami-Nami Easter Brunch 2010

Easter eggs 2010 / Lihavõttemunad 2010

Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend, wherever and however you celebrated it! We hosted our traditional Easter Sunday Brunch yesterday, with 11 adults, 6 children and 3 toddlers around the table. Last year I tried to follow a green/yellow colour scheme. This year I simply chose dishes that made me think of spring :)

Here are the dishes from yesterday:

We started with Mimosas again:
Easter Mimosas 2010

Baby spinach with hot-smoked salmon, quail eggs, green beans and asparagus spears:
Quail egg, spinach and smoked salmon salad / Spinatisalat vutimunade ja kuumsuitsulõhega

Quinoa salad with beets, fennel and basil
Quinoa and beet salad / Kinoasalat peediga

Savoury cheesecake with chives and goat's cheese:
Chive and goat cheese cake / Kitsejuustukook murulauguga

Ottolenghi's cucumber salad with chilli and poppy seeds
Ottolenghi's cucumber salad with poppyseeds / Kurgisalat mooniseemnete ja tšilliga

Bean salad with lemon and parsley:
Beans with parsley and lemon / Valged oad sidruni ja peterselliga

Estonian national fish, Baltic herring, with cherry tomatoes and herbs (recipe from an Estonian foodblogger Mari-Liis):
Mari-Liisi rokkivad räimed :)

Home-made Estonian cheese with curd cheese, eggs and caraway seeds, served with dark rye bread:
Estonian cheese with caraway seeds / Sõir e. kohupiimajuust köömnetega

Choux puffs with ricotta, mint and green pea filling (recipe from the latest issue of the French Regal magazine; the only dish that didn't rock and won't be repeated)
Choux puffs with minty ricotta and peas / Keedutainapallid ricotta-herne-münditäidisega

As for the sweet dishes, our friends Paavo & Kristiina brought along a delicious paskha:

I made a traditional British Simnel cake, topped with 11 chocolate eggs that we bought from the gorgeous Péclard café in Zürich last weekend:
Simnel cake / Simneli kook

And last, but not least, a delicious cake with coconut, lemon curd, elderflower cream and lemon balm leaves (recipe from the Swedish BAKA magazine):
Spring cake with lemon curd, coconut and elderflower / Kevadtort kookosbiskviidi, sidrunikreemi ja leedrivahuga

Spring cake with lemon curd, coconut and elderflower / Kevadtort kookosbiskviidi, sidrunikreemi ja leedrivahuga


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