Old posts, new photos

Most of the dishes that make it to Nami-Nami are true favourites, not just one-off cooking experiments. The recipes I share are ones that I make regularly at home (like the rhubarb muffins below - I've made them FOUR times this month alone!). Nami-Nami will be five years in a few weeks, and during that time my picture-taking skills have improved (well, at least I'd like to think so!). While remaking old favourites, I've also been taking new photos. I've recently replaced the photos in many old posts, and here are links to just four of them. Enjoy!

Roasted peppers with cumin-scented halloumi cubes
Peppers with halloumi / Halloumi-täidisega paprikad

Chickpea (Garbanzo) and Tuna Salad
Chickpea & tuna salad / Kikerherne-tuunikalasalat

Small tuna omelettes
Tuna omelets /Tuunikalaomletikesed

The best rhubarb muffins ever
The best rhubarb muffins ever / Maailma parimad rabarberimuffinid


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