campfire cakes (!!!)


I guess it betrays a little bit of my nerdiness if I admit that I've been excited about blogging these cakes for ages. The first time Jason told me about this recipe, my mind was blown, and I couldn't wait to try it. It's not really a recipe, I guess- just a method for cooking. It's the easiest thing ever, but I never in a million years would have thought of it on my own.


It's a simple setup- some oranges (we had enough batter for at least a dozen oranges!), a box of cake mix (mmm... yellow cake), a knife, a spoon, and some tinfoil. And a camp fire, obviously.


Cut the tops of the oranges off, and scoop out the guts. I asked Jason if you could mix the orange pulp in with the cake batter, and he said that it's not a good idea, because the batter might not set up very well.


I ended up drinking the juice that was squeezed out of the orange cuts, it was pretty delicious. Anyway, hollow them out like little pumpkins and reserve the tops.


Fill the oranges up almost to the top with cake batter, and put the top back on. Carefully wrap in heavy duty foil, and throw it into the hot part of the fire.


I think we waited a little more than 5 minutes, a little less than 10. We turned them a couple of times with tongs. After a few minutes, pull them out of the fire, unwrap, and eat a little cake!


This is awesome for so many reasons, right? First of all, I love any miniature foods, or individual serving foods, or anything that is tiny. I don't know if it's a hormone thing or what, but mini cakes, tiny pies, whatever- I go nuts over that crap. So these little cake-filled oranges are seriously adorable to me. Secondly, cake while camping! And finally, delicious! The oils in the orange peel flavored the cake with a hint of citrus, and honestly, for all the awesome homemade stuff Summer bakes around here, I'm a real sucker for cake from a box.


I know it's getting a little late in the season for camping (we froze our butts off!) but if you manage to get out, seriously- I don't even think I have to tell you to try this.


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