an urban harvest.


Friends and family know that I could rant for hours about my love of Portland. It is everything I want in a city- old, dilapidated buildings are interspersed with modern high rises, overgrown front yards spill over onto sidewalks, and everything is so lush and green! The food here is amazing, with lots of restaurants buying direct from local farms, serving organic meat and produce. You can find vegan ANYTHING (remember the vegan fish sauce?) and you can hop on a bus to any corner of the metropolitan area. Huge book stores, friendly people- do I need to go on? I love it here. I've been here my whole life, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to leave.


Summer and I like to take our boys for strolls through the neighborhood, either to get coffee or just take in scenery. We've been keeping our eyes peeled for ripened fruits, and today we decided to go harvesting. Now, I have a few personal rules when it comes to urban harvesting- I only like to take fruit from trees that are on the street side of the sidewalk- not technically in a "yard." I don't pick from trees without much fruit, and if the homeowner is nearby, I like to holler for their attention and ask permission to pick. That said, I've found that most people who have fruit trees in front of their houses are more than happy to give up some of their fruit, rather than let it splatter all over the sidewalk, where they'd have to clean it up anyway.


We're coming into pear season, and the very beginning of apple season. I can't wait for local apples to get huge and ripe, yum! Today, we picked a handful of asian pears from an overflowing tree near summer's house, some lovely green pears (with homeowner's permission) a few blocks down, and a large handful of plums from a sidewalk tree further on our walk.

Summer & I have been chatting all evening, planning our friendly get-together tomorrow evening, (I've got to be honest- it's an America's Next Top Model premiere party.) and discussing potential recipes for this giant haul. I can't wait to see what she comes up with. We've got plenty of stuff, so suggestions are welcome. Look forward to seeing these fruits in different forms, very soon (if we don't eat them all first).



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