


If it seems like I've been absent- well, I have. I've mostly been hard at work, drawing like a madwoman whenever I get the chance (for instance, right now my son is conked out on the living room floor after a particularly raucous morning at the park- so as soon as I'm done here, I'm heading straight to my "desk" - the dining room table.) for my other blog, 10 dollar drawings. I'm amazed and super psyched on how well it's taken off- it seems I've been a steady 20 drawings deep on my list ever since I started at the end of February. That's a LOT OF DRAWING, GUYS. That doesn't mean I haven't been eating delicious food- far from it. It just means I've been eating some our old standbys, which doesn't make for very interesting blogging. I even come back to my own blog for recipes- haha! A few weeks ago, I made this cream of zucchini & leek soup and it was awesome! I even froze some and saved it, which was great for the cold I battled all this week.

Last night, my husband made an awesome meat loaf, something I normally would have jumped on to blog- but I was out shooting a feature for my friend Lisa at Pigeon Toe Ceramics. Keep an eye out for a studio tour in the next coming weeks, my photographs will be featured. It was so rad to get a peek at how each piece is handcrafted, it really takes a lot of time! Anyway, when I got home, my husband was just wrapping up my dinner to pop in the fridge, so I wolfed it down without even looking at it. Then, at lunch time today, I realized I had a hunk of meat loaf leftover, so I had to eat it. First, I sliced 3 thin pieces, and fried them in some olive oil until they got brown and crispy on the sides. Then, I dumped a little bit of red sauce over the top and heated it up. Then, I just fried some bread in butter (what? IT'S DELICIOUS.) and then smushed the whole thing together, and it was ABSOLUTELY TRANSCENDENT. We like to use a combination of ground beef and pork sausage for our meat loaf, and we had a few pinches of fresh oregano from our buddy's garden, so it came out pretty delicious. SORRY IT LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE DOG FOOD.

Anyway, visit my other blog, keep yourself occupied. Check out Pigeon Toe Ceramics for some awesome handmade porcelain, and then eat some damn meat loaf.


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