Summer Salad with Strawberries, Prosciutto and Cacioricotta

With local strawberries finally here, I've tried to use them on as many occasions as possible. Remember my strawberries with elderflower zabaglione recipe? Well, this is the starter we served during that dinner. Pretty and seasonal, and delicious as well.

I used an Italian Cacioricotta cheese, made from sheep and goat milk. It's a young and crumbly cheese, similar to pecorino. Use this, if you can find some, or replace with a semi-soft goat cheese of your choice.

Summer Salad with Strawberries, Prosciutto and Cacioricotta
(Suvine salat maasikate ning singiga)
Serves 6

large handful of salad leaves per person (I used lamb's lettuce)
200 g (about half a pound) of strawberries
6 slices of Prosciutto/Parma ham
75 g Cacioricotta cheese

Salad dressing:
1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar (I used Belazu)
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

Rinse and dry the salad leaves, divide onto plates.
Clean strawberries, halve or quarter them. Rip Prosciutto into smaller pieces. Crumble the cheese. Divide between plates.
Whisk olive oil and balsamico together, season with salt and pepper and drizzle over the salad portions.


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