
Cruising around the Portland Farmer's Market yesterday, my husband and I came across the Rogue Creamery booth. We tried a few cheeses that sounded interesting- (Morimoto Soba Ale Cheddar? Sounded better than it tasted.) but settled on a blue cheese. We learned a very valuable lesson that day- uh, ASK THEM HOW MUCH IT COSTS BEFORE YOU AGREE TO BUY IT. Yeah, we could have said "No thanks!" and walked away, but we were suckered in by the subtle (yeah, I said subtle. About a blue cheese.) flavor and friendly atmosphere, so when the guy working the booth handed us the cheese while saying, "That'll be 10 dollars!" we were taken aback, but handed over the cash anyway.


Later, while lounging in the grass with Summer and her family, Jason and I looked at each other, looked at the cheese, and had a total cosmic moment where we both mouthed the word "Burgers!" (Okay, maybe it didn't happen like that, but we definitely agreed that we had to crumble this cheese over some grilled meat.)

Look, in a perfect world with massive amounts of disposable income (wait, ten dollar cheese, anyone?) and infinite time on our hands, we might have crafted organic free range buffalo burgers on individual ciabatta rolls or something, but we actually live in reality over here, and tonight when I got home from work, I was in a crappy mood and spent like an hour complaining to my husband about stuff before we finally got around to cooking dinner. That's when we realized that my husband had forgotten to pick up hamburger buns when he went grocery shopping. Whoops! Also, our budget prevented the fancy ground buffalo we'd prefer, so we picked up the semi-hippie beef from Trader Joe's instead.

And, the result:


Maybe you're looking at this picture and thinking, "Hey... That looks like a- yeah, that's a hot dog bun!" Uh- yeah. So, he DID remember hot dog buns, haha- just not hamburger. I asked him to make me a long skinny burger to fit a hot dog bun.

Listen, I would never be so presumptuous as to post a hamburger recipe. Everyone knows how they like their own hamburgers and I'm not about to step on that. Do what you do to your meat (or Boca burger!), grill it up, and put some of this damn Rogue Creamery blue cheese on it, though. It's the bomb.


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