Seattle: A Field Trip

My husband and I are considering relocating to Seattle. Yesterday, we dropped the kiddo off with my parents (his first overnight! woo hoo!) and headed up to check things out. This was the, "Sell Alice on Seattle" trip, and I think Seattle did a pretty decent job, but we'll see. They have a lot to compete with in Portland.

We didn't eat anywhere over-the-top exciting, but here are some highlights:



After driving 3 hours and arriving at around 11 p.m., we met up with a buddy for drinks at the Elysian Brewing Company. The kitchen was closed and our tummies were rumbling, and after a few IPAs, we asked our friend where a good place to get a snack might be. He pointed to a pizza shop across the street, mentioned a noodle place a few doors down, but then our eyes landed on a small hot dog shack set up in front of a nightclub. We downed our beers, saluted our buddy, and scrambled across the street for some amazing grilled hot dogs. The guy selling them kind of reminded me of this guy, he looked a lot like him, and he had kind of a goofy phony-sounding accent (even though it was probably real, duh) so it was kind of like being served hot dogs by a weird SNL character. He offered us cream cheese (what?!) and grilled onions, we went for the onions but declined the cream cheese. We didn't catch the name of the shack and our friend tells us that he's a traveling vendor, so look for late night hot dogs next time you're in Seattle, they're worth it.


We woke up the next morning slightly hungover, and I was still trying to shake a head cold that I can't seem to get rid of, so we got some coffee and headed across the street to Linda's, a Capitol Hill (I am pretty sure that's where it is) staple. My eyes wanted more hash browns, but my belly deeply appreciated the realistic portion sizes. The omelette, hash browns, and english muffin filled me up to perfection without that UGGGGH feeling that a good breakfast can sometimes leave you with. A friend of mine works at another restaurant owned by the same lady, and she is always gushing about how fresh and high quality the ingredients are, which is nice to know. It's way better than hearing horror stories about cockroaches and prepackaged slime from Sysco or something, ewww.

After breakfast (actually, it was more like brunch), we did the tourist thing and cruised around Pike Place for awhile.



As someone who enjoys looking at food almost as much as I enjoy eating it, wandering through the crowds and staring at the beautiful produce displays is pretty fun, until the claustrophobia hits. Holy crowds, batman. Yeah yeah, they throw fish, too. It's pretty neat for an out-of-towner but we never buy anything.

Still full from breakfast (it was hearty!), our last food stop in Seattle today was Cupcake Royale.




Cupcake Royale is attached to Verite Coffee, a wholesale account for Stumptown, where my husband works. We actually delivered them a new grinder this morning, haha! They make these tasty cupcakes, and we couldn't resist picking up a half-dozen. Above, you can see me demonstrating PROPER CUPCAKE EATING TECHNIQUE- i.e., the cupcake sandwich. This ensures a correct ratio of frosting to cake in every bite, I highly recommend it.

That's it for Seattle. Soon we find out if we're moving up there.


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