a fruity parfait.

First of all, I would like to apologize for the messy appearance of the parfait. I left a little too much time between making it and having Alice photograph it, so the whipped cream got rather melty.

I have been thinking about making a parfait for the past couple of weeks. Late spring and early summer foods have been popping up in food magazines all over the place and I just keep dreaming of all the sweet fruity concoctions I will make when the weather gets warmer and the fruit gets riper. Today I was feeling rather exhausted and not in the mood to mess up the kitchen, so I put together a sweet parfait as an afternoon treat.

I am not going to post a recipe for this since it's all too simple, but here is what I used: chopped mangoes, whipped cream, sliced strawberries, pitted cherries, and toasted coconut, with a few white chocolate chips on top. Other fabulous parfait ingredients include: yogurt, ice cream, chopped chocolate, granola, nuts, marscarpone cheese, fresh berries, tropical fruit, custard, pudding, mousse, honey, nougat... the options are endless!


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