meatball sandwiches.


Okay, let me start with 2 thoughts: First thought- I hate ground beef. I mean, I love eating it, I don't even mind cooking it, but because I was vegetarian between the ages of 11-22, I never really got a feel for what ground beef was supposed to BE LIKE. Which is to say, whenever I open a package of ground beef, I am a little taken aback by the smell, and I get all freaked out thinking there's something wrong with it. We hardly eat any ground beef at all, but when we do, it drives me NUTS to have to be like "HONEY. COME SMELL THIS!" Second thought- OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE FIRST MEATBALL SANDWICH I HAVE EVER EATEN. Seriously. I uh... I don't really know why. I'm a recovering picky eater- even in the past 5 years my husband and I have been together, I have expanded my palate greatly. But as a kid and even as a teenager, I was insanely picky. I was one of those kids who would decide they didn't like something without ever trying it. As a result, I never had a pickle until I was 17! The first time I tried mustard I was 16! What is this ridiculousness? Of course, I now love pickles and mustard.


So, the verdict? DUH, MEATBALLS ARE AWESOME. Meatballs on bread, just as awesome as meatballs on pasta. Making meatballs is kind of a no-brainer, stir up a big gloppy bowl of raw ground beef (or whatever ground animal) and an egg, some bread crumbs, diced garlic and onion, and some seasoning. Form into balls and fry, and then cover with sauce. We just used regular ol' spaghetti sauce. I asked my husband about how to make a vegan meatball (he was vegan for 8 years, and even used to cook at a popular Portland vegan restaurant!) but he couldn't remember! Sorry vegans- the best he could give me was, "I don't know! Tofu? And some TVP? And breadcrumbs? Why are you asking me this right now?" (It is 9:30 on a Friday night. I'm barely functioning myself.)


The only thing that made these meatballs less delicious for me was pining for wild boar meatballs at Tanuki. We have a date night planned for next week and all I can think about is Japanese bar food. Whatever though, seriously- I can't believe I waited 25 years to actually have a meatball sub. What the hell?


Pssst- needs buffalo mozzarella.


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