a quickie halloween post


These spiderweb eggs were one of my favorite treats we made for our little halloween shindig. First of all, they were FAST. The tattoo shop where my husband gets all his work done was having a halloween special- $31 tattoos! I got one in the afternoon before the party, and Summer decided to go sign up for one just before the party started. It turned into a goofy mess of scrambling around, trying to get things done at the last minute, and some of the food got screwed up. (See: burned cupcakes.) These took only a few minutes, and in my opinion, they were the coolest-looking food on the table.


Now, I know we live in Portland and it's all about local organic blah blah blah, and there are recipes out there that call for natural substances to dye the eggs, but we were in a pinch, and since Summer is such a prolific baker, she happened to have some black food coloring on hand.

All you do is hard boil the eggs to your desired doneness, (I know some people will just bring the water to a boil and then turn it right off, letting the eggs slowly cook in the hot water, and I know some people will boil them for up to 15 minutes. It's all depending on your preference.) then put them aside to cool for a few minutes. When you can handle them easily, just tap one side of the shell with the back of a spoon to create a spider web type crack, and dunk it in a bowl of water with some dark food coloring in it. Let it cool in the fridge, then peel and serve.


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